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CIBA Coffee Break: Get to Know Your Association

  • 27-Jan-2021
  • 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM
  • Zoom


Registration is closed

At CIBA HQ (our home offices spread around the country!) our board and team are thrilled to see the association up and running, and heartened by the growing list of members.

CIBA offers programs and services to Canadian independent booksellers and their advocates in order to support the strengthening of the independent bookselling sector. We are also the meeting place for booksellers and industry colleagues to build connections that will advance the promotion and sale of books through Canadian independent bookstores.   

Want to know more? Join Acting Executive Director Doug Minett as he presents a brief overview of CIBA and answers your questions about the new association.

Who can attend? All are welcome! This event is for members, non-members, and all book industry professionals.


Copyright © 2020 Canadian Independent Booksellers Association (CIBA). All rights reserved. No part of this site may be reproduced without written permission.
We wish to acknowledge the support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund.

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